Mulattieri Creations

A company made of people

0187 987099 / 986299

Finstral Partner

A guarantee of high quality.

For over 30 years we are Finstral partner, operating constantly connected to the parent company, participating in several meetings, business updates and training programs for our staff.

  • Infissi Finstral
    Struttura in PVC rinforzato,
    Interno in PVC, esterno in PVC
  • Infissi Finstral
    Finitura interna in legno,
    Struttura in PVC rinforzato, esterno in PVC
  • Infissi Finstral
    Finitura interna in legno,
    Struttura in PVC rinforzato, esterno in alluminio
  • Infissi Finstral
    Rivestimento strutturale interno in alluminio, anima strutturale isolante,
    Rivestimento strutturale esterno in alluminio
  • Infissi Finstral
    Finitura interna in vetro strutturale, anima strutturale isolante,
    Rivestimento strutturale esterno in alluminio, veneziana integrata.

Always ready to give you the best

The installation

Never underestimate the last link of the “productive” chain, arguing that the installation is the key stage of the whole work, like the coffee, if it is not good ruins the entire lunch.